Our partners receive direct advertising access to thousands of readers from the east coast and across North America. See below for plan info, and contact information.
Month to Month
Price - $65 per month
Our monthly plans are great for tournaments, holiday sales, summer camps, with the ability to set your limits or budget. We work with you to create a graphic and brief description that will be included on all email newsletters, and linked to your site.
1 Year - 12 Months
Price - $600 ($50 per month)
Unlike our month to month plans, our year plans allow our partners to become part of the TSA Scouting Journal itself. We start with our partners page, where your business or site will have their informational post offering readers a better insight into your story, special offers and links to all your sites.
On top of the partners page, and unlike our month to month plans, your informational post will be included on all email newsletters to over 12,000 readers, as well as all free and subscriber only content.
Where to Start
Have questions or interested to get started ?
Contact us today at info@Tri-StateAthletic.com with "2023 Partner” in the subject. Our team will be in contact within 48 hours to help answer any questions or begin the design process !